Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Anne Fank blog question number 5: b

The hardest part of secert annex was that the need to kep silent for for hours at a time. They weren't even allowed to use the w.c or the water closet or the bathroom. Also they weren't even allowed to talk above the whisper. They weren't even allowed to run, or even jump and they had to do that till night for two years!! If you drop something like cup, they will get caught easily because there are workers right below their secret annex. I think the only advntage of secret annex is more free on talk and you are with your family is the only good thing. But being in prison is more free on walking and many other things such as able to go to water clost when ever you want and you could walk easily and talk louder. But the relationship and caring, love, and even friendship let them live for 2 years without getting caught.

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